Jacky Gu

Ferc V3 launch anouncement

04 Aug 2023 Share to


https://v3.erc20.cash(V3) has launched on following EVM chains:

  • Ethereum mainnet

  • Arbitrum

  • Optimism

  • Binance Smart Chain(BSC)

  • Polygon

Here is the smart contracts’ addresses and important params deployed.


  • $ferc: 0x2eCBa91da63C29EA80Fbe7b52632CA2d1F8e5Be0

  • InscriptionFactory: 0x17fe21fAB4784eCaE27c7bB43d3d3cf3b73e7aA7

  • Whitelist: 0xF6a071aDfb73c9CE6bC7bb52671127573faFbf5f

  • Vote for launchpad: 0xb9250f2dc0706f172F3565c11fcF9f7CFB2F27A7

  • Social Slots: 0x02dA6E2a2cD6bf12088Ff44625Fa4730057048Ec

  • Basic tip: 0.0005 ETH

  • Total Ballots: 1,500,000 (It will be passed by a 30% affirmative vote from this amount, and it will not be passed if the number falls below this threshold)

Please switch to Ethereum mainnet in wallet(metamask/walletconnet etc.), open https://v3.erc20.cash/goverance to check more addresses and params.


  • $ferc: 0xC365B8Cbde40cB902CaE1BDDf425a4c9E1f60d3f

  • InscriptionFactory: 0xcF2D65F62CAe6Db823062112b2623693805de348

  • Whitelist: 0x03B3cfc722e816967a6a06b2b231Db9679433696

  • Vote for launchpad: 0xcE7C57AB53bC53899b122Eb92dF32fF549c2d4F6

  • Social Slots: 0xCc51d2C260CC5aF7B88164aBA485C9770e673Eb3

  • Basic tip: 0.0005 ETH

  • Total Ballots: 300,000

Please switch to Arbitrum One in wallet(metamask/walletconnet etc.), open https://v3.erc20.cash/goverance to check more addresses and params.


  • $ferc: 0xb055ffca6ec2849a5700fa851b28ff636c20b6e0

  • InscriptionFactory: 0xCc51d2C260CC5aF7B88164aBA485C9770e673Eb3

  • Whitelist: 0x248A109eCD460A3480ccd0D0cd520f23c9a2023B

  • Vote for launchpad: 0x77C31E5f57f49ed3acada28bae3595cE44056076

  • Social Slots: 0x7A2439C1a273F7801a10D3fFF348351A9431C331

  • Basic tip: 0.0005 ETH

  • Total Ballots: 150,000

Please switch to Optimism in wallet(metamask/walletconnet etc.), open https://v3.erc20.cash/goverance to check more addresses and params.


  • $ferc: 0xC365B8Cbde40cB902CaE1BDDf425a4c9E1f60d3f

  • InscriptionFactory: 0x43507D187A897D370736F4099f1FfF44b1281EDa

  • Whitelist: 0x4e14B9B88D709785B31366308f0d9C8C5DC2941B

  • Vote for launchpad: 0x5Dc15E8319a89B3677A4b9Ce95018d95B513514e

  • Social Slots: 0x71d70d22228e42EBCc8B524AbD292454Df257143

  • Basic tip: 0.0025 BNB

  • Total Ballots: 150,000

Please switch to bsc mainnet in wallet(metamask/walletconnet etc.), open https://v3.erc20.cash/goverance to check more addresses and params.


  • $ferc: 0xC365B8Cbde40cB902CaE1BDDf425a4c9E1f60d3f

  • InscriptionFactory: 0xFcdef438907e5B3D1195ecF4663f0D63b40b960E

  • Whitelist: 0x2f156E7092De49bBc4f5AEbD155FB40538f8F846

  • Vote for launchpad: 0x9BE309209BDe223cf52205510642C321DEf0afAf

  • Social Slots: 0x51298f6e93B34E229AAbb2E692d03Ea0147D3f09

  • Basic tip: 1.5 MATIC

  • Total Ballots: 150,000

Please switch to Polygon mainnet in wallet(metamask/walletconnet etc.), open https://v3.erc20.cash/goverance to check more addresses and params.

Testnet (mumbai chain):

  • $ferc1: 0x0241F2b4E3C4895ADb438F8ab10FCcCfeE1e1fDC

  • InscriptionFactory: 0x24a6ADAfb08Fb568f1ef6165fE977A8178bff2f5

  • Whitelist: 0xF67159AB3F61055d7a01b5DBEdc7c2dD554A453d

  • Vote for launchpad: 0x601172b19b8FC546aaeE0027d5B1fD4936078848

  • Social Slots: 0x1e951De2CB1B499D10c63F585279977c2F50A9d6

  • Basic tip: 0.0005 MATIC

  • Total Ballots: 1000


Q: How can I use?

A: To access https://v3.erc20.cash on your computer browser, simply open the URL. However, please ensure that you have installed wallet plugins such as MetaMask or WalletConnect.

For added convenience, you can also access the same URL on any EVM mobile wallet.

Q: How to bridge ferc from Ethereum to other chains?

A: While ferc20 V3 has been deployed on various chains, the original $ferc remains on Ethereum with a total supply of 10,000,000. To vote for the launchpad, it is necessary to transfer $ferc from Ethereum to the target chain by cross-chain bridges.

We suggest to use Nerve Bridge to facilitate the transfer of your original ferc from Ethereum to all other chains.

Q: When the smart contract will be verified?

A: We will verify the contract in a few days after launch.

Q: How many characters I can use for my token symbol?

Now the token symbol should be 4-5 characters. Don’t support special character like Chinese or Japanese etc.